The phrase “braided fishing line refers to a contemporary product that is constructed from interwoven synthetic material and which possesses considerable strength despite having a small diameter. They were formerly referred to as “superlines” since the polyethylene fibers from which they were made were exceptionally robust despite their low thickness. Woven fishing lines constructed from woven […]
Everything you need to know about fishing in Key West
The Keys are a string of coral islands off the southern point of Florida, the perfect location for world-class sport fishing in all directions. Easy access to both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean makes Key West a great spot to catch a wide variety of fish. Key West is far enough south […]
A Look at Top Marine Batteries For Fishing Boats
All batteries are the same right? Wrong! There are different types of batteries for different kinds of operations. Though some of these batteries may look alike, you need to understand what each one was designed for to be able to make the most of it. In this article, we will be focusing on marine batteries. […]
3 Reasons to Book a Local Fishing Charter on Your Next Trip to the Florida Keys
Adding a fishing charter to your itinerary on your next vacation to the Florida Keys is a great way to get some sun and add some excitement to your trip. Booking a local fishing charter like Seize the Day is a fun and affordable way to see a different side of Florida. Get in touch […]
How to Use Telescoping Fishing Rods While Travelling
Fishing rods are an essential piece of luggage you need to carry when travelling if you love the thrill of catching fish in new waters. If you are a professional angler, you obviously carry your entire gear with you whenever you travel. But, if you think about fishing while travelling and the prospect of new […]
Miami is a Sport Fisherman’s Paradise
If you love to sport fish, Miami has to be near or at the top of your list of places to visit. From the shallow flats of Biscayne Bay and Everglades National Park to the depths of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean, and with some of the most sought after sport fish in […]
A Newbie’s Guide to Fishing like a Pro
Being out in Mother Nature can be absolutely blissful and your time outdoors will undeniably help you eliminate your stress. One of the best ways to spend your time outdoors is by fishing! Fishing will allow you to step back in time and experience an old tradition, which was once a necessity for a large […]
The Essential Fishing Equipment For Every Traveler
The great outdoors is rich with wonder and majesty, and it calls to every outdoors-man (and woman!) Many people enjoy traveling to be able to see the wild across the world – coniferous forests, jungle havens, surging rivers and so much more. And as they travel, these people use skills learned for the outdoors – […]
