Few things in this world can compare to the pristine beauty of Asia. Whether it’s the rugged mountains of the Himalayas, the rolling plains of central China, the exquisite tiered rice paddies of the South East or the rich jungles of Borneo – Asia offers a diversity like no other continent on earth. Here is […]
Doing Business in Japan
Home to the third largest economy in the world, an energetic and ambitious population and a culture that holds hard work and success as core values, Japan is a business power house and the perfect destination for entrepreneurs and companies looking to expand and succeed. However, as the culture of Japan is completely unique, doing […]
Around the world in 80 seconds
YouTube: Around the world in 80 seconds Around the world in 80 seconds is a tribute to Jules Verne’s book “Le tour du monde en 80 jours”. The 80 second film was filmed in 3 weeks in London, Cairo, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco, New York, and back to London.
YouTube: ON/OFF SHANGHAI TOKYO Travel video of a trip to Shanghai, Tokyo and Kyoto whereby the creator, Roman Burch, turns on and off each scene with the palm of his hand.
The Moments Between – Episode 1: Japan
YouTube: The Moments Between – Episode 1: Japan A fusion of photography and moments of memory from Trey Ratcliff. To see how this was made, visit http://www.stuckincustoms.com/2009/10/13/a-new-kind-of-photography/
Tokyo in Timelapse
This clip was shot in a period of about 3 weeks durring February 2012, and entirely with a Canon 5D mk2. Tokyo in Timelapse.
One Week In Japan
One Week In Japan from Mike Matas.
The Best of Japan – A Rail Tour
Rail tours are a fantastic way of covering Japan’s city highlights and rural jewels all in the same trip, with the added bonus of having the travel and accommodation arrangements taken care of. Rail travel is befitting of a Japanese adventure, taking you through scenery and terrain you may never otherwise have managed to explore. […]
Guided tours for first-time visitors to Japan
Japan is a beautiful and complex country filled with amazing contrasts. There is so much to see and do there, making it difficult for the first-time visitor to even know where to begin. As such, guided tours are a great way to absorb the atmosphere and culture and at the same time, introduce the visitor […]
Tokyo Slo-mode
Japan caught in slow. This is for my hometown. TOKYO SLO-MODE. Music Credit: Flying Lotus ft. Thom Yorke- …And the World Laughs With You.

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