For many people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy is essential to maintaining healthy breathing during sleep. However, the need for a CPAP machine can be difficult when traveling. Fortunately, modern technology allows for the creation of compact and convenient mobile CPAP machines specially designed for travel. Advantages of mobile […]
Energy increase while travelling: How to make it effective and safe
Travelling can be a real challenge. If you are not careful, the lack of sleep and healthy food will wear you down and make you feel lethargic. You may also find that your energy levels decrease as a result of adapting to new time zones, which is why it is important to use some simple […]
Advantages of pre- or post-flight massage
If you are a frequent traveler, you understand that it is tiring. You experience knots and tightness in your body that you have never experienced before. Getting massage therapy when you reach your destination can relieve jet lag and strained muscles. In addition, massage therapy can regulate your wake and sleep cycles and get you […]
How to stick to your weight loss plan while traveling
You may want to spend the little money that you would have gotten after your jeux de casino gaming. But, traveling while trying to lose weight can be a hassle. This is why we have the ultimate guide on how to stay on your weight-loss program while traveling. Visit a local market Prior to leaving, […]
4 ways traveling for drug rehab makes sense
Even with the coronavirus restrictions, rehab tourism industry continues to grow at a remarkable pace. These days, a lot of substance rehab and treatment facilities are advertising their services to people outside the areas where they are based. In the US, many of these facilities are based in states like Arizona, Hawaii, and Florida, competing […]
Bali – An island for recovery and self-discovery
Bali is one of Southeast Asia’s leading destinations for rehabilitation and recovery. A true paradise with beautiful landscapes, delicious cuisine, thriving arts, and fascinating culture, along with a philosophy that is mainly focused on growth, rehabilitation, and rebirth. As the number of rehab facilities continues to grow and improve their quality of care, it is […]
Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction in Thailand
The effects of addiction impact not only the addict’s personal life but also those of friends, families and loved ones. In fact, alcohol or drug addiction affects the entire family. The most severe form of a full spectrum of substance use disorders, addiction is characterised as a compulsive, out-of-control, substance seeking behaviour that a person continues despite its negative consequences. Addiction is a […]
4 ways to destress after a long day of traveling
Traveling may just be one of America’s favorite past times. Seeing new sights, trying new foods, meeting new people—what could be better? It’s no wonder Americans spent an estimated $972 billion on travel in 2019. We truly love to travel. But traveling isn’t all sunshine and flowers. There’s no way around it: traveling can be […]
How to recharge your batteries in times of Corona
You may like to go on holiday this fall and/or winter in order to recharge your internal batteries and boost your energy. But due to Corona this may be not as easy as you think. It’s strongly advised to not go to foreign countries, especially not to the so-called code-orange- or code-red-countries. If you still […]
Effects of COVID-19 on travel
With most people spending the most of 2020 indoors because of the deadly covid19 virus which saw a lot of institutions and sectors closing down. The travel industry also bore the brunt of the virus, which many have termed the monster of 2020 as many lives have been claimed. In this regard, the travel industry […]
