France, renowned for its rich history, culture, and breathtaking landmarks, attracts millions of tourists yearly. While exploring the beauty of this enchanting country, it is crucial to prioritize personal well-being and safety. As unexpected situations can arise at any time, being aware of essential services like on-call doctors becomes imperative. Read on to learn the […]
Why travel insurance is important when traveling
Traveling is a fun activity that many people want to do. Overseas travel stood still for nearly three years due to the pandemic. Now that the world is slowly opening again, many people are eager to take their vacations overseas. However, people still have to ensure they remain safe while traveling. One of the essential […]
Avail the best travel insurance policy with Fincrew
There is always some uncertainty involved in booking travel. In the case of a trip that costs enormous amounts of money, it may make sense to purchase travel insurance. Travel insurance protects your investment when you have to cancel or shorten a trip due to weather, illness, or government shutdowns. In addition, many policies cover […]
Planning for a road trip: Here what’s your travel insurance should cover
Road trips are new ways to seek adventure. From Generation Z to Bloomers, everyone enjoys a good long trip to unventured land in your country. If you are a true buff of the roadsters and enjoy spending time on the roads, you know that there are a few must-haves for hitting the highways. • Your […]
Benefits of travel insurance
Traveling can be daunting and getting organised will benefit anyone who has long journeys. It’s best to think about all possible outcomes when you travel and organising insurance will keep your mind at rest so you won’t have to worry about injuries or something happening, and if it does, you know you’re covered. Here are […]
The importance of travel insurance
We travel all over the world. We visit the most beautiful places and enjoy the sun, the sea and the mountains in various countries. It is also getting busier at the holiday destinations. However, what we often do not take into account, are the dangers that travel entails. Because especially when we are abroad, there […]
Vacation, corona and travel insurance. What is insured?
Due to corona, a holiday abroad is not yet possible. But did you know that you are also covered with an travel Insurance for a weekend break or holiday in your own country with at least 1 night’s stay? And if the borders may be cautiously opened later this year, travel insurance is indispensable even […]
6 simple reasons life insurance is useful for frequent travelers
So you love to travel. You might be a regular jet setter. But traveling frequently, especially in foreign countries, has its own unique set of challenges. Apart from having a valid passport, enough money to keep up with the costs, knowing what the conversion rates are, and so much more, there is also a whole […]
An Unannounced Illness or Injury While Being Abroad Can Become a Major Financial Burden for You
Travelling to exotic destinations is a priority for many people. And why not – after all, exploring new places can be a liberating experience. Having said that, all adventures come with their own set of risks. But, that shouldn’t deter you from undertaking a journey to your favourite international holiday destination. By having appropriate safeguards […]
The high cost of healthcare in several developed countries makes travel insurance a must for students going abroad
As children get ready to travel abroad for further studies, it is a period of great turmoil for parents – both mental and emotional. You worry about their safety and security, wonder whether they would adapt easily, are anxious about spiralling costs, and probably above all are silently grieving the baby bird that’s about to […]
