Chance are, if you clicked on this article…then you probably want to travel too. It makes perfect sense that not just you, but your boss and co-workers probably have the same desire, right? So, what’s stopping businesses from letting their employees see the world once in awhile? While I understand that not every firm can […]
How to Travel for an Interview
It wasn’t so long ago that job hunting was a strictly local affair. Sure, some job-seekers might have headed to the big city to pursue careers, but most people found their first job near home – and the next one, and the next one after that. That was in part because relatively few jobs were […]
How to Earn a Living While Traveling the World
Are you planning on traveling abroad in the near future? Unless you’re independently wealthy, you’ll probably have to work at some point in order to earn enough money to survive. It’s difficult to get jobs while traveling, but it’s definitely not impossible. If you plan ahead correctly, and think about things strategically, you’ll be able […]
How to Work and Be a Full-Time Traveler
In the modern era, it has become relatively common for people to quit their steady jobs to travel the world. As exciting as it might sound to quit your job and follow your passion for travel, it can be equally unnerving. It might seem like a major challenge to sustain this type of lifestyle, and […]
Helping with the Famine in East Africa
If like many around the world, you’ve watched the news of late in despair at the crisis in East Africa, now could be the moment you’ve been waiting for to get involved and embark on volunteer work abroad. UNICEF is asking for $31.8 million over the next three months in donations, through which aid agency […]
