When planning a vacation that includes fun in the sun, remember that sunburn isn’t fun at all and can quickly put a damper on the activities you’ve planned. Not only can it ruin your vacation, but it can ruin your skin as well. Prolonged sun exposure over time can cause skin cancer and premature wrinkles. Especially if you aren’t used to the intense rays of the Florida sun, plan to prevent sun damage.
Here are four tips to keep your skin healthy in Orlando:
Cover Up or Get Out of The Sun For a Portion of The Day
The sun’s rays are at the strongest between the hours of 10am to 4pm. It’s a good idea to schedule a break from the sun during part of that time. Noon until 2pm are the peak hours for sun exposure, so it’s a good idea to book a hotel closer to your destination so that you can plan a short break to get out of the sun and have a rest before continuing with your fun-filled adventures.
Not only will this help your skin, it will keep you from being too exhausted to enjoy nightlife.
Use At Least 15 SPF Sunscreen and Reapply Frequently
If you’re going out in the sun, even a for a bit, wear sunscreen. Most dermatologists recommend using a sunscreen that offers 15 SPF or higher. If you’re fair skinned or burn easily, you’ll likely want to increase that to 30 SPF. Remember to reapply every few hours, and if you’re planning to swim or will be sweating profusely, waterproof sunscreen is a wise choice.
Don’t Forget To Protect Your Feet, Neck and Ears
Image via Flickr by slowlyinhale.
Just remembering to apply and reapply sunscreen isn’t enough completely protect your skin. Take extra care to put sunscreen on your ears, feet and the underside of your neck. These three places are so easy to forget and easy to get burned. Even if you’re in the shade or are wearing a wide-brimmed hat, the UV rays will bounce off of sand, cement and other surfaces, causing your neck and ears to get more sun that you’d expect.
Check Any Medication You’re Taking
If you are getting a medical degree, like an mha online, you know that some medications, like certain antibiotics and high blood pressure medicine, can significantly increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Herbal supplements, vitamins, and even body lotions can also make your skin photosensitive, meaning prolonged sun exposure will be especially hazardous. But for those without a medical background, Before heading out for a vacation in the sun, be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if you should be extra careful.
Most types of skin cancer and sun damage can be avoided by taking precautions before heading out into the sun. It’s so easy to forget when you’re having fun and spending more time than usual outdoors. These tips can help you enjoy your vacation without having it cut short by the pain of a bad sunburn.
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