For many people, traveling is considered a luxury, but we know that it doesn’t have to be. While it’s certainly exciting and provides food for your soul, it can be terrible for your daily routine and habits. Everybody wants to look and feel good while being on the road, but sadly it isn’t always easy to do. If you’re looking for ways to keep your teeth healthy and oral hygiene the same way you used to, here’s how you can do it.
Get a checkup
Before you start packing your bags, the most important thing is to make sure you’re healthy. If you have problems with your teeth and you need to have a procedure done, make sure it’s done before your trip. You never know when a tooth problem might take a turn for the worse, and you don’t want it to happen while you’re trying to enjoy your trip. Also, if you’re going to be spending some time abroad, you might end up having to get an emergency procedure done and pay a lot of money. Another good idea is to get travel insurance, even if you get a checkup and your dentist says that everything looks good because you want to have everything covered so you can relax.
Be mindful of your diet
When we’re not at home, we like to try different things and indulge a bit. As fun as this is, it can be terrible for your teeth, so it’s best to be mindful of your diet if you’re hoping to keep your teeth healthy. Fibrous vegetables have a bit of an abrasive structure that’s great for cleaning your teeth the natural way, and they also contain useful vitamins and acids that help fight cavities. Apples, carrots, and celery are great for your teeth because they contain vitamin C and A, as well as malic acid, which is excellent for keeping gums healthy and teeth white. You should also avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and switch to green tea and plain water.
Have a ‘travel toothbrush’ ready
You probably have your favorite toothbrush that you’ve picked carefully and paid good money for at home. While it might seem reasonable to just pack it with you when you’re preparing for a trip, it’s a much better idea to have a spare toothbrush that you would only use when you’re on the road. You don’t have to pay a fortune for your travel toothbrush – you can find wonderful ergonomically designed toothbrushes from Care Dent and keep one in your bag next to your soaps and shampoos. If you don’t want to replace it after every trip, get a protective cover for your toothbrush head because it will keep a lot of germs and dirt away.
Carry some baking soda
If you happen to leave your toothpaste behind and don’t have one with you while traveling, you can always clean your teeth with good old baking soda instead. Baking soda is great to have on you when on the road because it cleans stains, neutralizes bad odors, and can be used as a toothpaste substitute. The good news is that baking soda can be found in many different brands of toothpaste because it has a great ability to gently whiten teeth and also to remove plaque. All you have to do is place a bit of baking soda powder on your toothbrush (or your finger if you’ve also forgotten it) and brush your teeth.
Learn to clean your teeth without a toothbrush
Even the most meticulous of us sometimes forget to pack and bring their toothbrushes when traveling. If you discover this oversight early on, you can easily go to the nearest supermarket and buy a cheap one. If, however, you notice that you don’t have your toothbrush with you when it’s already too late to get a new one, you can always clean your teeth without it. You can use your finger: just place a bit of toothpaste on your finger and brush your teeth the same as always. A washcloth or a simple paper towel wrapped around your index finger will do too, just dampen them and add toothpaste if you have some.
Maintaining optimal oral hygiene while traveling isn’t always easy to do, but the effort you put in is more than worth the results you will get. Your teeth shouldn’t suffer while you’re having fun because the damage done to teeth takes a long time and a lot of money to correct. In the end, the most important thing while traveling is to have fun and take good care of yourself and your dental hygiene.